Monday, April 9, 2007

10:30am and ready to go....

So I haven't been to bed yet, it's 10:30am, thinking about getting on my bike and heading down to the gym to wear myself out so I can kick the insomnia habit.... but maybe not.

Up all night watching marathon sessions of one of those addictive HBO shows. All about suburbia and the struggles of the suburban class. Wow, someone get me a fiddle! Someone didn't get their latte-mocha-frappa-crappa right this morning. Let's start WWIII! It's amazing though, as someone who grew up in suburbia, I can see that there is this huge wall or divide between what happens in the real world and what we're trained to think is important in our burbs.

It's a real challenge to break free of that mentality and realize that we are so far removed from an understanding of the real things it takes to survive on this planet. I mean 'oh my life's so hard, I can't handle raising 2 kids so I'll just hire a nanny to take care of it for me.' What did parents do before the invention of nannies? Hell what do everyday parents do to raise their kids while still holding down 1 or several jobs to pay the bills? They can't hire someone else to clean up after their business.

This urban culture has removed us so far away from the reality of our existence. There is this superficial bubble that surrounds us, glides us along so we can forget about the fact that we are all going to die one day. So am I going to be the one who misses out in the end because I don't have satellite TV or a freakin' SUV or because my idea of a night out does not start with a $100 a plate restaurant?

We are all going to die one day. So what are we doing today, right here, right now? How are we all making the most of our lives? If we died tomorrow, would we feel life coursing through our veins as we took our last breath? Or would we yearn for that to do list of things we must do before we die?

I've been going through this whole who am I, where do I want to be in life, does my life mean anything struggle for the past few months. And I'm starting to realize that I'm spending more time thinking than I am creating. So this morning, no more pondering, I'm throwing back a shot of coffee and heading straight for the gym..... errr maybe after a bit of a nap.

Have a great day wherever you are :-)

*PS I cannot be held responsible for anything in this post as I am mostly delirious right now


Sumayyah said...

Hey Rasslin' Cowgirl
Really interesting post!
I often think about this as well, how can I live a meaningful existence in the temporary world y'know? I think I have learned that it is good to take care of yourself, spiritually, physcially and emotionally and then you can give back to the outside world in a variety of forms. You can donate your time, your money, your energy to various causes that may help someone or do some good. Anyway that is my little take on things.
Keep on blogging, I find you have an interesting take on things, and I think we have a lot in common. I don't focus on very serious issues over at Busy Idleness but I am starting to think I may want to take a new direction in blogging.

Rasslin' Cowgirl said...

You raise some good points Sumayyah. I think that my mind often takes over and I forget to focus on the 'taking care of yourself' etc stuff. I blog about this stuff because in a way it helps alleviate all of that pressure in my brain where all my thoughts about the world are overflowing.

I enjoy reading your blogs because you have an interesting take on the world. You really take every opportunity to maximize your experience on this earth and there is something quite serious about that. You seem to have a dedication or discipline to applying yourself to things. Your blogs have been very unique. I suppose there always comes a time when our minds change and we need to express ourselves differently :-)