Monday, April 30, 2007

13 Weeks & Counting + Mimico & Back

I think I'm still recovering from Saturday. Sore wrists and a strained tendon possibly below my right knee cap. I hope to solve some of this wear and tear with my free bike fit session from Cycle Therapy this week, you guys rock!

I hit the gym yesterday for the first time in about a week. Consistency has not been my friend. Once the weather becomes beautiful outside, I begin to lose my desire for running a track or lifting weights in an enclosed uninspired grey space. I want to be free and run with the hair in my wind... or something like that.

I managed to spin my legs out on a bike a bit and do some shoulders and back (trying to strengthen the stuff that's holding me over the handlebars).

Went with a friend for a very chilled pace out to Mimico and back (35km). Beautiful day, sun shining, the lake looked gorgeous. Getting back to enjoying being on a bike. I'm hoping that this weekend's training ride is much more flat so I can get some good cadence practice up on my bike.

I can't believe that it's the last day of April and that I've been 30 for a whole month! Time flies when you're training for a Bike Rally ;-)

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