Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Climbing the Escarpment: 46km Oakville to Milton

Yesterday I took the Go Train out to Oakville for a countryside bike tour. Once you get past suburban Oakville, there is some beautiful farmland to be seen heading north on 6th Line. There's a great picnic spot at the bottom of this windy hill on Lower Base Line Road heading west towards 5th Line. Although Bass Rd is really scenic and follows a great ravine, the road isn't paved very well and there is no shoulder to speak of. I definitely do not recommend it in wet weather.

I took my return trip via 6th Line (from Derry Road) the whole way into Oakville, heading East on Leighland to get back to the train station. 6th Line has little ponies, heaps of blackbirds with red tipped wings and other assorted wildlife to keep you in visual enjoyment.

The climb to Milton is there, very gradual with only 1 or 2 hills. On the way home you're cruising except for one longish hill on 6th... I think before Britannia Road. All in all, I highly recommend this trip. 6th Line is really quiet with very few cars during the day. In fact, I passed more bikers than cars!

Total Trip: 46km (including ride to/from station)
Total Time: 2hrs


Sumayyah said...

Sounds like the training is going well. My training is at a bit of a standstill, I will join the gym for this last month because I think I am just bored of running the same 5, 10, 20 'loops' outside.
I tried to go to your link to make a donation but it didn't seem to work, can you repost or perhaps tell me where I can send a cheque?
I will definitely be there at the finish line in Montreal to congratulate you! I won't recognize you though, since I haven't seen a picture, but I think you must've seen some of me on my blog.

Rasslin' Cowgirl said...

I've found keeping running interesting a big challenge. With Biking it's easy cause if I get bored of a certain spot, I can bike to a completely different spot in a short period of time. It's harder to get yourself places with your feet.

I completely reposted the link to my pledge page, I tested it and it definitely works. If you prefer to mail a cheque instead of paying by credit card, if you email me at I can send you more info.

Yes I really need to get on top of posting pics on this site. I took pics at Saturday's ride. I will be soliciting help with that later on today. Otherwise, I am still a mystery. But I promise I do exist :-)