Monday, March 19, 2007

The Sky Is Falling... No It's Evolution!

Based on a dessert-based conversation and request, I am going to elaborate on what I meant by 'evolution is inevitable' in the context of Judaism (or culture/religion in general):

'One day folks will realize that the true demise of a culture comes when that culture refuses to adapt, grow and change to its new environment. Evolution is inevitable. If synagogues and Jewish 'leaders' in the community continue to ostracize Jews for falling in love with people who aren't Jewish, the culture will eventually die out.'

There exist patterns in the universe. The way our ancestors have interacted with these patterns have altered our DNA. For example, Michael Jordan has developed himself as an exceptional basketball player. His mental sharpness, his ability to move a certain way both on and off the court has now become part of his DNA. He will pass that on. The way our parents move, affects the way we move.Now on to Judaism (culture, religion, etc).

Up until the 1840s, all Jews were Orthodox. Moving over to Canada and the US, suddenly we have the advent of the reform movement. Why? Because new world, different environment, Judaism adapted. Now in the 21st century, living in an increasingly mixed society, our minds are shifting. We don't live in a cultural vacuum. We are exposed to other possibilities, possibilities that can only serve to enrich and enhance how we already perceive ourselves vis-a-vis Judaism.

I have friends or family members who's only Jewish connection is hanging out with other family members. In fact my best friend who's Catholic probably knows more Hebrew words and has probably attended more seder's at this Cowgirl's house than many of the 'tribe'. This is evolution. Her kids will be exposed to this knowledge. They will be exposed to me. It's Judaism, but different than our parent's Judaism.The more insular we become, the less we are able to grow our culture in our minds and hearts in a healthy and positive way that brings us joy and brings us closer to the true knowledge of the universe.

Judaism is not a synagogue. It is not simply the Torah or dipping apples in honey on Rosh Hashana, it comes from within and it comes from our connection to the universe, this place where we dwell.The more institutional we become, the less we are in fact acquainted with Judaism (or any culture). To think otherwise is foolish and a large part of the reason of why people continue to move away from the culture in droves. The more we learn about others on earth, other cultures, traditions, the more we enrich our own. This is evolution.

My kids won't have a 5 hour seder. But they will learn about the story of Exodus and how it is linked to the circular pattern of oppression. For example: people kidnapped and sold into slavery from Africa, women in 3rd world countries helping 1st worlders live more comfortable lives, etc. The story of Exodus means nothing without modern day context. Why do we mourn for ancestors who were slaves 5000 years ago when we say nothing about the genocide in Sudan or young boys being forced to kill in Uganda?

We will never evolve as humans if we cannot see these connections in things.I'm not a religious person, but I have always believed in the story of the Tower of Babel. This is our test now. Societies have lived a part for so many millenniums. We're being tested to see if we can evolve together.

Now I feel rambley and it's time for sleep-land. Bonne Nuit :-)

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