Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I Froze by Lake Ontario & all I got was this lousy Hypothermia.

Ah yes, yesterday was fun, fun, fun!

2nd extensive bike ride of the season. 20kms+ out to Etobicoke.

The plan was to follow the Lakeshore trail, due to the wind I opted to inhale heaps of pollution through the filthy downtown streets (ooh and dodge cars that don't give a crap about bikers!)

My 1st pit-stop was in Parkdale at No Frills where I scored some yogurt and cheese/pita for my sandwiches. Not exactly a picnic type day so I had to devour most of it in the entrance of the grocery store and in a stairwell at my final destination.

The ride was incredibly windy, despite the beautifully blinding sun beaming down on me. I had to ride in a much lower gear most of the way just to be able to pedal forward. I got lost several times on the way out there. My achilles tendon and knees were just screaming at me the whole way there.

Biking the Queensway was some good scary fun. Always a pleasure to freak drivers out who don't understand why you would opt for pedals. Got somewhat lost in Etobicoke a few times but managed to find my way. No offence to Etobicoke, but ya need some more colour/life injected into your architecture. What a depressing ride at points!

When I finally arrived at my destination I stopped in at a sketchy place that offered cappucchino (because I was frozen and yet all my layers were soaked and I needed some heat to bring me back to life). Best cappucchino ever, the old fashioned way.

On the way up to Kipling subway I got misdirected on Dundas and ended up in Mississauga! Fortunately, it didn't take me long to backtrack.

I am bone tired and still somewhat chilly but it was so worth it! This training to bike to Montreal is going to be the experience of a lifetime :-)


Ryan said...

Getting out to, and through, Etobicoke is actually a pretty nice ride in the summer, though the city parts are pretty dull. There's a great park in Mississauga (where the three hydro smokestacks used to be) we must bike to this summer.

Rasslin' Cowgirl said...

awesome. yeah i can see that the lake parts are probably really nice. just all that concrete and highway crossovers ya know.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast! Next time you decide to ride some place far away, let me know...I want to come! I have managed to ride my bike though the whole winter and am really looking forward to riding in just a shirt!
p.s Mondays are really good for me...haha!

Rasslin' Cowgirl said...

I will let you know when i figure out who you are :-) drop me an email.. i have you narrowed down to 2 different people... i think