Sunday, March 18, 2007


As a gal not born into the real age of technology I have been browsing various sites trying to get a feel for this new world order of connecting in a faceless environment. After posting many rants and raves on other people's pages, I figured that it's time to create my own rambling pasture.

The end of my 20s has been a tumultuous time of soul searching. As I near the number that marks the end of official youthdom, I seek new meaning and direction in my life.I realize that it's time for me to get back to what I really love: performing. I've started taking belly dancing classes and volunteering at an Improv theatre in the hopes of building back up that desire for the stage.

It's also time for me to get back into writing. I will consider this blog to be a testing ground of sorts for some stuff I've written and future works. At least it will give me some incentive to create as opposed to consuming.

So, welcome to Rasslin' Cowgirl’s tales.
I look forward to hearing from people all around the world.

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